Selasa, 13 September 2011

Somebody around us

I haven't know before if there is somebody around us that never know or may be he or she doesn't have time to see and hear 'bout it. You guys definitely know facebook, twitter, youtube and another sites in cyber world which make you interested. I think facebook have spread and knowing by anybody. But who knows? Someone have asked me to created one of that. He asked me to make an account on facebook. Then I said that I can't do that because I want him to learn. I wonder why he can't make it by himself. On google we can get all the thing we search. We can make an email although we don't know how to  make it-google will help us, rite?

picture above  taken from google :p
Much reasons why he can't make a facebook and prefer like demand someone to help. FYI: to have this account-firstly we have to make an email.  We can make it by searching how to make an email on google and next... In the meantime we can start to created an account in facebook and fill the existing procedures. Technology still growing until nowadays. We can access cyber world from laptop, PC and handphone. Children, teenage, adult even our grandpa or grandma have it. Not only on television but also on  radio-facebook have been socialized. Like a superstar-facebook have famous in everywhere. So, why he can't?

Currently, on television we can watching an advertisement from google which shown  participating everyone who want donate his or her blood to helped someone. In this advertisement had show us 'bout youtube, blogspot, google chrome which is our browse ect (I mean it's all about Google). Like I said before, the technology progress continously happen. Last, if you are me-what will you say to someone who asking you to help him make a facebook account?

1 komentar:

Sinto mengatakan...

dari dulu kok gak bisa bhs inggris hufftt sori gan kalau aku komen gak nyambung

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